What The… Wednesday

So Wednesdays are going to be a little bit quirky and off the wall..hopefully I can link it to weddings where I can (as everyone knows, my obsession for them knows no bounds!), but if I just see something that amuses or confounds me, here is where I will share it.

So today, courtesy of Kat Williams, the queen of RocknRoll Bride, (go to wedding blog for..well all weddings that aren’t run of the mill. Isn’t that all weddings nowadays?!) please find the most awesome of awesome engagement shoots. Not sure many of my friends would agree to this, but it looks like a whole lot of fun!!

Also, cast your eyes to the right and you’ll see some buttons – how to find me on Pinterest (OBSESSED), Twitter and Instagram.

Loves, smooches and much dreaming of cake


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